Los Ranchitos Registration

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Message from the Los Ranchitos Improvement Association admins:

Welcome to the website of the Los Ranchitos Improvement Association (LRIA). 

When you register, kindly provide your street address so we can verify your identity. Also please include your email address so we can be sure you're on our mailing list for notices about meetings, important issues affecting the neighborhood, and social events. 

All contact and member information is strictly private and seen only by other verified members. 

Best regards,

LRIA Board 2025

Leyla Hill • Kathy McEligot • Michele Westhoff • Jim Fitzgerald

All fields are required. Your name, email address, and username will be sent to the Los Ranchitos admins.
As you would like to be publicly identified on your website and in discussion forums.
Minimum 8 characters.
San Rafael, California 94903